For the remainder of February, the prayer group will continue with our study of
Introduction to Prayer.
Beginning Ash Wednesday, March 5th, we’ll be guided by Bishop Robert Barron’s book of daily reflections on the Lenten Gospels. Books are available from Lee Maute for $5.00. Click for more details.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to transform your prayer life and discover the power of this Marian devotion! Rosaries provided in the vestibule when you enter the church and How to Pray a Better Rosary booklets are available while supply lasts. Click to sign up for the free prayer plan and for more information.
St. Catherine’s will be hosting a Diaconate Preaching Practicum on Saturday, February 22 at 10 am. Jim Gillespie, Tom Kimble, Stephen Deehan and Elmer Maximo will each be sharing a homily based on a set of Sunday readings. Volunteers are needed to provide feedback by completing an evaluation form and participating in a brief discussion after each homily. The session will last approximately 2 hours and light refreshments will be provided.
On the third weekend of each month, we'll be collecting non-perishable food, disposable diapers in all sizes, and gently used luggage for Paterson's Catholic Charities for the Fr. English Food Pantry. Please place your donations on the parish hall stage. Many thanks for your generosity.
The Compassionate Friends-Parsippany Chapter, a self-help group for bereaved parents, siblings and grandparents, will meet on Thursday, October 10 at 7:30 pm. Click for details.
We will conclude our meetings for the year Tuesday,
December 17 and resume Tuesday, May 6.
Please save the dates for two special 2025 events:
Saturday, May 17 @ 2 pm. We will celebrate the
centennial anniversary of St. Therese's canonization
featuring a Broadway singer.
Sunday, Sept 21 @ 2 pm. Bishop Sweeney will join
us to celebrate the feast day of St. Therese.
From November 20 - December 18 the St. Catherine's prayer group
will begin an Advent program entitled, Rejoice! An
Advent Pilgrimage into the Heart of Scripture. Click for details.
All men are invited to become involved in the Men’s Group. We meet on Saturdays at 6:30 am in the Parish Library to grow in fraternity and holiness. Click for details.
Moms and Tots
The Moms & Tots playgroup will resume meeting every Tuesday from 9:30 – 11:00 beginning September 10 in the parish center gym. All are welcome to join us for free play, a snack and craft each week. All we ask is that you bring a small monetary ($1) or canned good donation for the Fr. English Food Pantry.
Click for details.
Find out what it’s like to be a Divine Mercy Academy student for the day. Shadow days for the 2024-25 school year are happening now every Wednesday. Grades 2-7 are invited. Click for more details.
A Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated for Christian Mark Samay, Son of Christian and Allison (Blender) Samay on Saturday April 6 at 10:00 AM. Click for more details.