The Compassionate Friends-Parsippany Chapter, a self-help group for bereaved parents, siblings and grandparents, will meet on Thursday, October 10 at 7:30 pm. Click for details.
With gratitude to our parishioners, we acknowledge those who are remembered with Christmas flowers, wreaths, candles and lights.
Please keep them in your prayers.
Heartfelt thanks to everyone who volunteered and
contributed to our many social activities this fall and
holiday season. From the Mass of Remembrance
through the Ladies Ornament Exchange your
kindness and dedication is appreciated.
- Cathy Cerbo
Pope Francis encourages all Catholics to celebrate
and participate in the Jubilee of Hope throughout the
year 2025. Each parish/institution of the Diocese of
Paterson will be represented at the opening Mass
with Bishop Kevin Sweeney at the Cathedral of St.
John the Baptist in Paterson on Sunday, December
Sunday, December 15 * 3:00 pm
Mother Ninetta Auditorium
455 Western Ave, Morristown
Admission $10. Tickets can be purchased at or at the door.
Marianist Family Retreat Center
Cape May Point, NJ
College Age Retreat - January 3 - 5
(high school seniors welcome)
This retreat is designed to bring together young
people of college age (17-22).
Young Adult Retreat - February 7 - 9
Come join other young adults (ages 22-35) married
or single, to take a step back from our busy lives.
We will conclude our meetings for the year Tuesday,
December 17 and resume Tuesday, May 6.
Please save the dates for two special 2025 events:
Saturday, May 17 @ 2 pm. We will celebrate the
centennial anniversary of St. Therese's canonization
featuring a Broadway singer.
Sunday, Sept 21 @ 2 pm. Bishop Sweeney will join
us to celebrate the feast day of St. Therese.
Thank you to our parishioners, Ginny DeLalla, Joel Ramich, Kathy Borecki, Andrea Buckingham, Jim and Beth Gillespie, Mary Ann Flintosh, Sr. Eleanor Goekler, Karen Verzaleno, Al and Esther Falivene, Michele Gregorek, Carol Kennedy, and Dom and Pat Miliano who assembled 150 breakfast bags for nourish.NJ last week. A special thanks also to all those who donated the contents. This initiative takes place monthly. If you’d like to participate, contact Carol Kennedy 201-572-8061; [email protected]