All are invited to join Bishop Sweeney at the
Paterson Diocesan Christmas Concert Friday,
December 6 at 7:30 pm at Our Lady of the Valley,
Wayne. Click for details.
Ho, ho, ho! Boys and Girls and Moms
and Dads are invited to a free "Breakfast
with Santa" at St. Catherine's gym on
Saturday, December 14 from 9:00 to
11:00 am. Hope to see you there!
Get ready to spread some holiday cheer!
The Giving Tree will be up and running
this weekend at St. Catherine's!
Click for details on how you can give to those in need.
A special thank you to Beth Gillespie and Lynn
Alberts who coordinated Operation Chillout. Thank
you also to Rockie French and our Confirmation
students who helped sort and organize the filled
backpacks for distribution.
Once again we invite all of our
parishioners to pray for our students who
will celebrate their First Reconciliation on
December 7. Prayer cards with the name of a child
will be available after Mass next weekend. Please
pray for them and their families at this special time
From November 20 - December 18 the St. Catherine's prayer group
will begin an Advent program entitled, Rejoice! An
Advent Pilgrimage into the Heart of Scripture. Click for details.
St. Vincent Martyr School in Madison invites
families with children entering preschool through 8th
grade to learn more about our competitive academic
program, rooted in the spiritual values of the Catholic
faith. We will host an Information Session on
November 12 at 7:00 pm and a School Tour on
November 13 at 9:30 am. Please visit the school's
website at to register.
Saint Cecilia Church in Rockaway will host Msgr.
Geno Sylva, Rector of St. John the Baptist
Cathedral, at 7:00 pm Wednesday, November 20,
when he will speak on the 2025 Jubilee: Pilgrims
of Hope. The Jubilee begins on Christmas Eve and
concludes in 2026. Presentation will take place in
Hayes Hall located downstairs in the church.
All men are invited to become involved in the Men’s Group. We meet on Saturdays at 6:30 am in the Parish Library to grow in fraternity and holiness. Click for details.
On behalf of the Board of Trustees, the staff and our clients, I gratefully acknowledge your donation made on 9/30/2024 of 400 lbs. of school supplies, back packs, and assorted groceries for the Hope House Food Pantry. It is through the kindness and compassion of friends like you that allow us to
"provide help, and create hope" for those in need. Click to see full thank you letter.
Looking for an excellent Catholic education for your children? Our Lady of Mount Carmel (Boonton) will be hosting a school tour on Friday, November 8th from 9:00-10:30am. Click for details.